MORTON and BASSETT: Toasted Sesame Seed, 2 oz


Add a delightful crunch to your dishes with Morton and Bassett’s Toasted Sesame Seeds! Packaged in a 2 oz jar, these golden nuggets bring a burst of nutty flavor and texture to your culinary creations. Elevate salads, stir-fries, and sushi with the irresistible crunch and rich taste of toasted sesame seeds. Crafted for flavor enthusiasts, let your creativity shine as you sprinkle a touch of elegance into every meal

555 in stock


Origin of product


About the product

MORTON and BASSETT Toasted Sesame Seed adds a light crunch and nutty flavor to a variety of cuisines. It is a staple of Asian cooking, especially in beef, chicken, and seafood recipes. For an added dimension, sprinkle it onto salads and your favorite vegetable dish.

Origin of product

Toasted Sesame Seed

Additional information

Dimensions 5.08 × 4.95 × 10.41 cm


Morton and Bassett